Pet Services
Dog Grooming Average pricing and services estimates. Main factors to consider for pricing depends on a pet are size, coat type and condition, style of haircut, and temperament. You are more than welcome to walk in for price consultation.

Grooming Packages
Bubble bath:
This plan is perfect for any short-haired breed or pets that don’t need a haircut.. Includes: Shampoo + Conditioner, air dry, nail clipping and dreameling, ear cleaning.
Mini Grooming:
This the perfect option for long-haired dogs that need maintenance between full grooming sessions. Includes: Bubble bath, sanitary shave, itrim around the eyes and feet.
Full Grooming:
This option is perfect for long-haired dogs that need a complete hairstyle. Includes Bubble bath + full hair cut and style.
This option is perfect for dogs with a double coat of hair or that shed a lot of hair. De-shedding is the process of removing hair from your pet’s undercoat which may not be effectively removed with you’re the of brushing or combing, as these focus primarily on removing hair and debris from the top layer of fur. it will help protect your pet from unexpected and painful mats.
We will want to keep your pet at least four (4) hours or more, depending upon our schedule. Due to the general nature of pet grooming, it is impossible to guarantee an exact finish time. Things happen, and we will not rush to compromise on our services. We do provide a finish range of time and will call upon completion.
Please be advised that there will be an extra charge made for dogs that have mats if more than 15 minutes of brushing time is required. Aside from that, dogs that require shave-down due to mats will be charged additionally depending on the severity of the matting.
Pets entering our facility with fleas is at owners expenses. Dogs with tick will not be allowed.

Other services:
Dental brush Mint Spray $10
Nail Polish $10
Blueberry Facial $6
Paw treatment $4
Medicated bath $10+
Anti itch bath $8+
If bringing own shampoo is an additional $5 for the service.
Flea wash (Small) $10
(Med) $15 (Large) $20
Nail trim $18.99 Trim/filed $25
D-Shedding $15-$25
Detangling $20-$40
Mud bath $10 and up
Depending on coat length

Face trim (S) $10 (M) $15 (L)$18
Poodle Feets $20
Feather 🪶 extensions $10
*Whole body coloring shampoo
Late pick up Fee $15 Every 30 mins
All dogs with fleas entering our facility will be at owners expenses.
If you need your pet before the schedule pick up time we offer express service.